Sunday, May 27, 2012

Beyond Mommy Porn

A delicious bite of summer


Long days, dining al fresco with a cool beverage, the chance to be outdoors.  And the chance to read some truly divine, naughty books.

As you’ve no doubt heard, the Fifty Shades of Grey phenomenon is sweeping the country. A recent article by ABC News used the term, Mommy Porn since the demographic is married women over thirty.

There are many of us who have been reading and writing BDSM novels for years. If you’ve just found the darker side, welcome.

If you’ve been reading for a long time, you may be looking for some other authors to try. Fortunately there are many.

Most of us who write BDSM subscribe to the Safe, Sane, and Consensual credo. Some of us color a bit outside those lines.

But in e-rom (erotic romance), you’ll generally find a satisfying, emotional read with hot, graphic sex and actions that will leave you breathless.

I was fortunate to be in two anthologies with the talented Cherise Sinclair and Belinda McBride, Doms of Dark Haven and Doms of Dark Haven: Western Night. It was a kick to be paired with two talented writers to have a very different approach to BDSM.

To get you started, here’s a few BDSM books I personally recommend…

Orion by Roscoe James:

Black Wolf (a m/m pairing) by Belinda McBride:

Owning Wednesday by Annabel Joseph:

The Diablo Blanco Club titles by Qwillia Rain, including:

Woman in Chains by Bridget Midway:

When you’re ready for more, let me know….

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